by CorenaChase | Apr 3, 2019
I learned an invaluable lesson my second year at drama school that I find myself sharing with my corporate clients all the time. I was doing a scene from Shakespeare’s A Winter’s Tale, playing the role of Hermione. Really bad things happen to Hermione; her husband,...
by CorenaChase | Mar 13, 2019
It feels appropriate to write something about women for Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day. I’m reminded of when I was a kid and turned to my dad while shopping for Mother’s Day to ask, “How come there’s no kid’s day?” He replied, as most parents do...
by CorenaChase | Feb 15, 2019
I love impostor syndrome. I love it not for what it is, which isn’t super fun, but because it gives a name to something we all experience. It usually goes something like this: a client is admitting to me the lack of confidence they have about their ability to fulfill...
by CorenaChase | Jan 25, 2019
(Image courtesy of A topic that comes up often in coaching and leadership development is what people and organizations are doing to look back and assess lessons learned on successful and unsuccessful...
by CorenaChase | Jan 10, 2019
I was a good student. I did my homework on time, studied zealously for tests, and actually read everything I was assigned to read. Math was a hard subject for me, so I took summer class to try to coax my brain into grasping all those black and white formulas and...
by CorenaChase | Dec 19, 2018
I have a memory from my early twenties, standing at a table in the New York City restaurant I worked in with a dirty glass in my hand, chatting with a customer. I don’t remember how we got to talking or even what our conversation was about but I remember this one...