Being Busy

Being Busy

This summer when I’ve been asked, “How are you?” my initial response has mostly been, “I’m busy!” This response is true, but not totally accurate. “Being busy” has many different meanings. It’s important to differentiate those meanings. I’ve been alternating between a...
Growth And Fixed Mindset

Growth And Fixed Mindset

At the heart of any attempt to learn or strive for continued growth is the concept of growth mindset. I’ve had zero coaching engagements where this doesn’t come up. It is core to our ability to be vulnerable, stumble, take risks, look silly and get better. Through...
How to Give Up

How to Give Up

I’ve been working on a blog post for the better part of two days. The topic I chose just isn’t coming together. I checked in with the perfectionism part of my brain to see if it was sabotaging me but that wasn’t it. Try as I may, my ideas on that subject are not...
Be the Change

Be the Change

One of the most common things I hear from leaders working on ways they can be more effective is, “The problem is, the levels above me don’t work in this way. It’s very hard to implement these behaviors when the leaders at the top aren’t behaving this way.” The kinds...
Multi-Tasking Isn’t a Thing

Multi-Tasking Isn’t a Thing

I was at a party this weekend and a gentleman complimented me on my multi-tasking skills. His compliment stemmed from the fact that I referred to an obscure fact he’d mentioned several moments ago while presently focused on whether I should help the hosts pass food...
Let Yourself Be Surprised

Let Yourself Be Surprised

When my best friend and I met over 25 years ago we actively disliked each other for over a month before an all-night talk changed our minds and led to a life time of love and support. You’d think such an experience would be enough to keep me from ever making a...