by CorenaChase | Jun 4, 2019
I was at a party this weekend and a gentleman complimented me on my multi-tasking skills. His compliment stemmed from the fact that I referred to an obscure fact he’d mentioned several moments ago while presently focused on whether I should help the hosts pass food...
by CorenaChase | May 22, 2019
When my best friend and I met over 25 years ago we actively disliked each other for over a month before an all-night talk changed our minds and led to a life time of love and support. You’d think such an experience would be enough to keep me from ever making a...
by CorenaChase | May 1, 2019
I often hear my inner voice saying, “You are one good reframe away from a better day.” There is almost always a quick other way to view something that will make me feel a little better, give me the little kick I need to keep going with my head up. For example, every...
by CorenaChase | Apr 17, 2019
I really don’t like this term “personal brand.” I find it de-humanizing. Companies need brands. But individuals? It implies a sort of crafting and maintenance of how we are presenting ourselves that makes me tired. You know that friend who has a constant stream of...
by CorenaChase | Apr 3, 2019
I learned an invaluable lesson my second year at drama school that I find myself sharing with my corporate clients all the time. I was doing a scene from Shakespeare’s A Winter’s Tale, playing the role of Hermione. Really bad things happen to Hermione; her husband,...